“We are what we eat” is a gem of wisdom we’ve all heard before. Most of us try to adhere to this advice at least part of the time throughout our busy days.
Vitamin C, also known as L-ascorbic acid, is an essential component of our daily diets. Foods rich in Vitamin C assist in protein metabolism and wound healing. This sturdy little vitamin also has antioxidant benefits.
Adequate amounts of Vitamin C are vital for good skin health.
We all want to do what we can to keep our skin healthy and glowing. By eating foods containing Vitamin C we are aiding our body to naturally support skin health. Eating Vitamin C foods for skin health and beauty is certainly easy advice to follow.
So how do you make Vitamin C-rich foods part of your daily health and wellness routine?
Top Vitamin C Foods for Skin Health
People often suffered a range of diseases due to lack of Vitamin C in days gone by. In particular, sailors in the 16th and 18th century suffered from illnesses during long voyages. They did not have access to this essential vitamin and diseases such as scurvy developed.
Foods containing Vitamin C support skin health and gum health and help prevent conditions such as exhaustion and anemia. Addressing your diet and making sure you include foods containing Vitamin C helps to keep you in tip top condition.
Vitamin C also aids with the condition of your hair, nails, and blood vessels. Ensuring we take the recommended daily allowance of Vitamin C brings a wealth of benefits for not just our skin but our entire body.
Many commonplace foods are in fact high in Vitamin C and are easily taken as part of a daily well-balanced diet. So what foods are best for you to eat if you are looking for Vitamin C foods for skin health?
You may be surprised to find that some of the world’s most delicious foods are naturally high in Vitamin C.
Tropical Fruit
Tropical fruit. The very phrase brings to mind gently waving palm trees, blue seas, and healthy, happy people. What’s not to love?

Young blonde woman with orange in her hands studio portrait isolated on white background
Make fruit salad foods such as pineapple, oranges, kiwi fruit, guava, papaya, and tropical melons part of your regular food rotation. You will gain the benefits of Vitamin C foods for skin health in one of the tastiest ways possible.
Chilies and Peppers
These spicy and colorful little food items are a much-loved component of many ethnic foods. Who could imagine a Mexican or Thai meal without their inclusion?
They are also high in Vitamin C. One measured cup of bell pepper contains a whopping 142mg of Vitamin C.
Chilies and peppers are a fiery and fun way to incorporate Vitamin C foods for skin health into your regime.
Who doesn’t love berries? These colorful little gems of summer are a highlight of any table.
Include strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, and blackberries in your diet and reap the good health rewards. Berries are surely one of the sweetest ways to include Vitamin C foods for skin health.
Herbs may not be the first food which springs to mind when you consider foods rich in Vitamin C, but the addition of herbs to your recipes can boost your Vitamin C intake.
Whether you choose fresh or dried, common herbs including thyme, parsley, and cilantro are an additional and healthy source of Vitamin C to make your skin glow. Keep your pantry and refrigerator stocked with these little parcels of goodness.
This staunch and tasty vegetable staple is an ideal source of Vitamin C for skin health. A 100 gram serving of the bright green head of the broccoli plant contains your Vitamin C dosage for the day.
That’s just one more reason to include broccoli in your family recipes. Broccoli and beef, anyone?
As well as being high in fiber and folate, and low in carbohydrates, cauliflower contains good amounts of Vitamin C.
Eat cauliflower raw or cooked, riced, or steamed, and you will obtain 46 mg of Vitamin C per every 100 grams consumed. That’s a ratio which makes the humble cauliflower an excellent regular addition to your diet.
Brussels Sprouts
Love them or hate them, there is no disputing the fact that Brussels sprouts are chock-full of good health benefits.
Resembling a tiny and perfect cabbage, the Brussels sprout is easily recognizable. These members of the cruciferous family contain Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Vitamin A, and other essential nutrients. And at a massive 550 mg of Vitamin C per serving, you should find a way to include them in your Vitamin C foods for skin health grocery list.
You say to-MAY-toe, and I say to-MAH-toe, but whichever way you say it, you can’t go past these bright red and juicy globes of goodness.
A serving of delicious and versatile tomatoes equals 170% of your daily Vitamin C requirements. Which makes them a perfectly delightful and beneficial health food.
These sweet little pods of the summer harvest are an excellent source of both Vitamin C and antioxidants. Succulent peas contain plant-based proteins, as well as Vitamin C.
Who could have guessed that these little vegetables, loved by children and adults alike, would make the list of top Vitamin C foods for skin?
There is a reason why spinach was Popeye’s favorite food. This leafy green vegetable grows year round, it is tasty and easy to cook, and it contains a wealth of nutrients.
Spinach is high in Vitamin C and iron and is rich in catenoids and phytochemicals. We know your secret, Popeye. Spinach is one of the best Vitamin C foods for skin health.
Pretty, juicy, and sweet. And also an excellent skin food. Apricots contain Vitamin C, which makes then a good source of skin-friendly nutrients.
Apricots are in season in late spring and summer. Make the most of their abundance and your skin will thank you for it.
Potatoes may be a surprising addition to a list of Vitamin C foods for skin. However, these humble tubers are high in Vitamin C, flavonoids, carotenoids, and fiber.
The fact that potatoes are inexpensive and easy to store are additional points in their favor. And families love to see a potato dish on the dinner table. Choose potatoes for skin and body health.
The distinct aroma and taste of cloves spices up foods including curries and apple pies. Cloves also contain Vitamin C.
Ground cloves are a pantry essential and deliver a healthy dose of this vital nutrient. In addition, your kitchen will smell wonderful whenever you choose to use this popular spice.
Water, Water Everywhere
Water is not technically a food, of course, but we can’t survive without it. It does not contain Vitamin C, but the adequate consumption of water is essential to keep our body in optimal condition. Drinking water helps our body flush out toxins.
The theory that we should consume 8 glasses of water per day became popular several years ago. This guideline fits closely to the figure determined by the Institute of Medicine. And the formula is easy to remember.
We need to include Vitamin C foods for skin health in our daily diets and drink enough water. In this way, we are helping our skin and our bodies remain healthy and well. We are told that by the time we feel thirsty our body is already becoming dehydrated. Sip water regularly throughout the day to keep your hydration levels up.
Fill your water bottle, drink before you’re thirsty, and your skin will reap the benefits.
Healthy Skin Habits
Along with eating well, there are other things we can do to help our skin stay in optimal condition. Dry skin, sun damage, reddened skin, acne, and skin rashes are all signs that our skin is not at its best.
Poor skin health can affect our self-confidence. If we do not feel that our skin looks healthy this can impact the way we feel about ourselves and how we interact with others.
We can be proactive in our approach to our diets. Including Vitamin C foods for skin health on a daily basis is an easy way to keep our skin healthy and fresh. As a rough guide, brightly colored foods are often high in Vitamin C.
Another way we can help our skin remain healthy is to develop regular cleansing routines. Each of our skin types differs – we can have dry or oily skin or a combination of the two. Become familiar with your own skin type.
Both men and women can suffer from poor skin health. Often problems surface during our teenage years. We can stick to a healthy eating plan, but sometimes we need extra assistance.
Cleansers, tonics, and serums specially formulated to assist with skin conditions can be helpful. Reading reviews by others who have tested products can help you to decide if the product is right for you.
Thanks to the wonders of modern science, new technologies and products are introduced to the market regularly. Keep up to date with reviews and new product launches. And learn to love the skin you’re in.